170 E 87th St
New York, 10028 New York
phone (212) 426-1910
About Chen Planning Consultants, Inc
Ms. Connie S.P. Chen is the founder and chair of East West Collaboration, Inc. an international business advisory consortium. In addition, Ms. Connie S.P. Chen is founder and president of Chen Planning Consultants, a comprehensive financial planning and management firm in New York City. Active in the financial services industry for over 35 years, she is nationally renowned as a pioneer in the field of integrated financial planning, utilizing a unique holistic interdisciplinary approach. Ms. Chen serves as financial advisor to senior executives of Fortune 500 corporations, top professionals, principals of entrepreneurial firms and founders of charitable organizations. As part of her business planning practice, Ms. Chen has served as an advisor on a variety of domestic and international (particularly Pacific Rim) projects, from assisting overseas companies to identify US-based merger and acquisition candidates, establishing off-shore holding companies, negotiating and forging international joint-venture relationships for real estate development projects, to facilitating international business management seminars and workshops (noteworthy among them Ms. Chen conducted Business Management seminars to the prestigious Chinese Academy of Science "CAS".) Ms. Chen was also part of the consortium for the New York United Pacific Business Information & Consulting Company whose services included but not limited to strategic planning and business development...
CONNIE CHEN by Walter Paul Bebirian